President Garfield’s Condition: September 12, 1881, 9:00 AM

Portraits of Garfield's six doctors surround an illustration of the President on his sickbedELBERON, N. J.,
September 12, 1881.

9 A. M.
The President passed an unusually good night, his sleep being uninterrupted, except occasionally to enable him to take nourishment. The suppuration from the parotid has almost entirely ceased; the openings from which the pus discharged are rapidly healing.
The cough is less and the expectoration materially diminished. Temperature, 98.4°; pulse, 100; respiration, 18.


This post is one of a series reenacting the official bulletins released to the public by the physicians to President Garfield during his illness after the shooting on July 2, 1881.

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